Joe Gowen
Hello, my name is Joseph Gowen. I have been a licensed timber operator for the
past 40 years. I have called the north Sonoma Coast home nearly my entire life.
I grew up on Seaview Ridge above Fort Ross in the early 1960’s. I have been
working in the forest since 1980. I love the flora and fauna, the local wildlife, the
coast, and all that lives in between. I care deeply about this community’s past,
present and future.
As the climate on the Sonoma/Mendocino coast continues to change, the local fire
risks continue to grow exponentially. The increasing number of drought years
combined with the decrease in summer days of wet, dense coastal fog are
reducing the humidity in our local forests are the living proof to this process.
I have been actively participating in fire abatement on this coast since 1990
because I both care and know what I am doing. This is my home which I want to
protect, and also what I am skilled to do. I am licensed and fully insured. I have
participated in both state and federal-funded forest management and fire
abatement programs. Again, it is what I was meant to do.
My goal is to make you and your home and property defensible, safe and
insurable. Fire abatement is about creating defensible spaces around structures
while also ensuring safe access to fire services to enter and exit your property in
case of emergency.
As each property comes with its own unique challenges and remedies, I offer free
estimates to all my customers.
In 1993, 5 miles north of Jenner on Seaview Ridge; two friends and myself arrived on the scene of a fire before any of the local fire departments had arrived.
The flames were moving quickly through the dry grass towards a strand of old growth redwoods.
These particular redwoods had not had their ladder fuel removed. Their lower branches had grown down to the ground.
When the fire hit their branches it was no more than 3 seconds before the flames had raced up
the 100’s of feet to reach the tops of the trees.
The importance of removing ladder fuel prevents a scenario like this from happening on your
property. Had the branches of these particular redwoods not been touching the ground; the fire in the grasses would not have been able to quickly race up and overcome the redwoods.